“You and I are just FRIENDS” , That is what I said to him when he reached for my hand and looked deep into my eyes under the night sky. Not that friends can not hold hand as they watch the stars together and slowly fall for one another but, we are just friends!

Just friends sharing a secret fantasy of a love that they choose to not share with each other.

“We are just friends!” I’d scream to myself as I fall at the thought of his darling brown eyes and how they glisten when the light of sunset dances on his face. His charming smile sends butterflies to my stomach and there is a way his face folds when he laughs is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. He is a magnificent work of art that I can’t stop myself from admiring and I should not think about him in this way, because ,we are just friends.

Friends! Still, I fear for the pace at which my thoughts are running will get me caught. I no longer just thinking about his brown eyes, I am dreaming of growing old with him, building a life together filled with fun and adventure then eventually die next to each other and come back to haunt libraries in the after life but we’re just friends and my stupid heart just can’t seem to understand that his heart has already found a home and it is not here.

So we playfully dance around the fire, except one of us is burning and the flames are getting brighter and harder to extinguish.

Letter To My Imaginary Friend (2)


I met somebody who took me on a ride after you left. He had brown eyes, a charming smile, and the best jokes. He was kind and caring, everything I wanted. The days became more sunny and beautiful, and I no longer missed you. Unfortunately, that joy was short-lived, and I had no one to cry to.

The truth however is, you never left. You just in the silence as I suffered. For what? To prove that you were right? That I could never be happy without you. You got into his thoughts turned him into a lying, jealous, and possessive beast. He became you! Perhaps you enjoyed it, knowing that I was finally unhappy without you. It’s clear that you would rather see me miserable at your hand than happy with someone else.

Shadow, you are everything I never imagined you would be – selfish, jealous, devious, and obsessive. The soft, loving, and cheerful friend I once had is gone. I miss him, but I can no longer stay your friend. You need to let me go and allow me to find happiness on my own.

goodbye Shadow

Wrifully _Tessie


I hate to be the one that got away

with everyday that goes by, I wish I stayed there in your arms , warm as a sunny day in may.

there was always something about how we would get lost in each other’s eyes and yet I still find my way back to that moment when we first met, his eyes and mine.

without a doubt, I had found the one.


I Write For Her

I write for her

The sweet ray of sunshine shone through the heavy grey clouds of fear that hovered over me.

I write for her

My love

My life.

I write for her so that on day she will know and she will see that I lived, and that I lived through these words.

That in every story I write she will see my face and hear my voice.

As I write for her, I try to paint a picture of the color of love.

I write to teach her that love will hurt and it will cause you to laugh at your pain and cry when you’re happy.

That sometimes love will not speak but you will always have to listen. because sometimes love is silent.

I write to her all the things that I may not be able to say for one day she will need to hear them.

I write for her and one day she will write for them too.

I write to teach her that love will hurt and it will cause you to laugh at your pain and cry when you’re happy.

With love from me to me

A love letter from myself for myself and to myself

Dear Nandi

You are everything that you didn’t think you would be when your grow up. Maybe that’s because you didn’t know the truth back then. That life, happens and sometimes things fall apart just to fall in place.

I want you to know that I am proud of you. For learning and growing from your trauma, I’m glad that you choose to continually be a student of life, learning by the day what it has to teach weather good or bad. I adore the woman that you become the generation that you are founding, you’re a beautiful black queen

on a fine journey, never forget that.

Finally, I want you to know that I love you and that I am sorry I wasn’t patient with you. I promise to love you everyday, to give you the kindness and respect you deserve.

Here’s to love,

Here’s to cheer

Here’s to loving me without any fear.

Selfish, maybe. But I love to think it’s important to remind yourself of just how much you are worth and just how much love you have for you.

So here’s my challenge to you today, what kind words would you love to tell yourself today?

I love you all and appreciate your support and remember to give yourself just as much of love and respect that you expect from the rest of the world.

Happy valentines day.

By your stormy side (A poem by Phanuel Ayelum)

I lay afloat
On the sea of your lies
And upon the tears I’ve cried
I lay afloat.

Without a boat
I have sailed your tides
Stayed by your stormy side
Without a boat.

Without a coat
I have stood in the rain
Of your never ending pain
Without a coat.

By: Phanuel Ayelum

Petals Bleed (A poem by Phanuel Ayelum)

The poetry of the rose
Is of beauty and pain.
Tempting to the touch,
Till blood lays the stain.

Perspective is everything
For many won’t see her good.
In the aftermath of her lover’s hurt
She is often misunderstood.

Beauty is a blessing,
And a curse indeed.
For when you feel the pain-
It’s really the petals that bleed.

By: Phanuel Ayelum.

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